Have you ever met pushy salespersons? You would not want to buy from such a person, right? Salesmanship can be difficult but don’t worry. We have broken it down into 3 simple parts, just for you!
Tone of voice
Why is the tone of voice important? What is it used for? The answer is simple - building rapport! Rapport is the art of combining words, tone of voice, and physiology to create alignment with someone else. Below are some steps to help you out!
Scarcity tone: This will help you create a sense of urgency and the perception of mystery, piquing a client’s interest to know more!
“Reasonable man” tone: Using statements like “Does this sound fair enough?” helps the client process what you said in a logical manner.
Definitive tone: Implies that you’re absolutely certain about what you’re telling the client, giving them a sense of assurance.
“I care” tone: Responding to the client using statements like “I totally understand” with empathy and sympathy tells the client that you care deeply for them.
Using questions when it should be declarative: This confuses a person as it forces them to do a memory search as they do not want not to feel left out.
A series of up tones: This allows people to easily agree with what you’re saying and helps make a close so much more natural!
Presupposing tone: Using this tone to move past the point of sheer obviousness and allows for easier transition!
“I really want to know” tone: With a tone full of engagement and interest, this helps you build an unconscious connection with the client and makes you stand out from the crowd!
Always remember, it’s not just what you say that matters, it’s how you say it!
Word Choice
Have you ever felt like you want to communicate something but people end up not getting it? Word choice is important to help people understand your ideas as well as persuade them to see your viewpoint.

Aristotle states that there are 3 modes to persuasion - Logos (logic), Ethos (credibility) and Pathos (emotion). Everyone is different - some prefer facts but others prefer emotional appeal.
Logos: Research and statistics can help you make your point. You can reason with your audience by quoting reliable sources or existing knowledge. Then, they will see your viewpoint through hard facts that they cannot deny. Simple language also helps your message to be understandable.

Ethos: Credible sources are important. Would you bring in a doctor or a student to speak about medical issues? The source you choose plays a large role in how persuasive you are.
Pathos: Emotions are also crucial in persuasion. Just like how filmmakers include different elements like music to arouse the audience’s feelings, you need to use your words to appeal to your audience’s emotions.
Body Language
What is your body saying? A significant part of your script includes your body language. Body language encompasses your hand gestures, your stance, and your facial expression mainly. Your body language gives your audience an image of you - whether you are confident, whether you engage with them, and even whether you are credible or not!

Your GESTURES: Your hands are your best friends. Use your fingers to direct your audience’s attention, especially at important parts. Your audience will be able to follow your presentation better.
Your STANCE: How you stand in front of the audience says a lot. Your stance can convey your confidence but also your nervousness. Always maintain an open position, with your hands by your sides, not crossed in front or behind you. You will then seem more “welcoming”. If you are fidgeting or slouching, you will seem unconfident. The direction of which your feet point is also crucial. Your feet should always point to the speaker!

Your FACIAL EXPRESSION: You need to maintain eye contact. No part of your facial expression is more important in communicating sincerity and credibility. Good presenters engage individuals one at a time, pausing while looking from individual to individual. This enhances the audience's attention, and contributes to their understanding and retention of your message. Try to greet your audience with a smile. You do not have to smile throughout the entire presentation, but do so appropriately.

Bring these 3V’s together and I’m sure you will be able to portray yourself as an effective communicator - one who is confident and credible! So can you make yourself S.E.E- sharp, enthusiastic and expert in 4 seconds?